For couples, parents, and individuals wanting a fresh approach…
Are you feeling drained by a relationship that needs help but you don’t know where to begin?
Are you ready to reclaim the close bond you once had?
Feel like you have a lot of love but just can’t figure out the communication?
Whether this is a crisis or just chronic disappointment, don’t settle. Or worse…walk away without clarity.
Take a breath. And let’s talk.
“Amy walks her own talk and won’t ask you to do work she hasn’t done herself.
She has a unique ability to pull gems from the rubble...growth that translated to healthier relationships in my family and life.
My Approach
My program focuses on three main areas of healthy relationship connection to restore trust, build respect, and know the power of your story.
1) The Dialogue: A Foundation for Breakthrough: Learn a simple conversation method that will keep you in connection even when addressing the hard stuff. No more losing tempers or dropping into hurt and angry silence.
2) Still the Storm with Healthy Habits: Work small but vital habits into your routine to make a peaceful, emotionally safe, and inspiring homelife.
3) Honor the Past. But Move toward the Future: Discover how your stories have influenced your relationship. And together, create your own new vision for wellbeing and fun.
About Me
I actually got my start working with couples, families, and individuals through church communities where I taught, led, and advocated. After eleven years as the solo pastor of a lovely church, I made the hard decision in 2021 to leave for secular projects in the wider community. This included opening my own practice as a life coach. But I still focus on what I always have done: healthy communication, strong families, and restoring relationships.
I am well familiar with the great variety of human struggles, let alone having known a few myself. I have either been where you are, or I have walked with someone who has been there. I am inspired every day by the resilience I see in my clients and loved ones. I welcome the opportunity to know your story and bring you whatever heart and skills I can offer.
My private practice does not have a religious focus. Only on request do I offer a spiritual perspective. I am open to all non-faiths and faiths alike :) I want anyone to have access to these tools no matter who they are or where they come from. I have no agenda except to support you. I trained with Imago Relationships Worldwide to do this work full-time and share what I have learned with struggling couples and families. Imago has a forty year global track record in supporting healthy couples with proven methods.
Don’t see a time on my schedule you like? Shoot me at text at 805-975-0598. Or use this form to inquire about other availability. I offer both face-to-face and virtual options. With my certification, I can work with people in any geographic location.
If the fees are prohibitive, let’s discuss a group option.
If you are looking for workshop or retreat leadership, let me know me what you need by way of themes and outcomes.
Thank you and looking forward to talking!
“It is easy to love the people far away. It is not always easy to love those close to us....Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start.”